Student Showcase

Nate was proud of this creation because he did it with Finn, Arlo and Remi and listened to their suggestions. The creation changed over time - it was an oven, then house and now a dishwasher.

National Tree Planting Day - 2024












Dylan was proud of his work in Maths this week. He was able to follow the steps when solving multiplication problems using the box method. Dylan was multiplying 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number!
Justin wanted to showcase his solar system place mat because he did a great job on his presentation by choosing the right colours and not leaving any white. He added cool faces to the planets and sun, and an asteroid headed towards Mars.
Maisie wanted to showcase her work because she was proud of the puppies she drew. She was able to give lots of information about dogs. A top effort by Maisie!
Abby was proud of her persuasive poster as it is about wildlife and everyone should help wildlife. Abby was proud her work was colourful with clouds in the background. Her favourite thing about the poster is letting people know you should take care of wildlife because wildlife is a really good ting.

End of Term 3 - 2024 Learning Expo 

Students hosted a showcase of their learning including a musical performance.